Hi there! I'm Imren, product manager at Trendyol.

Hi there! I'm Imren, product manager at Trendyol.

Hi! It’s İmren. I am an industrial engineer / product manager. I was born in İzmir, Turkey in 1994. My father was in the military and my mother was a housewife. Due to my father’s occupation, I have travelled a lot within my country and ended up at ODTÜ as an industrial engineering student. I have finished my bachelor’s degree there as the third of my class in 2017. Then I joined a startup and met with product management. Since then, I am trying to improve myself by consuming every bit of information I encounter on this area.

Apart from my profession, I am an incurable romantic and very fond of romance books, series and movies. I love to cook, especially salty treats & meals, and share it with friends and family.

If you’re interested in knowing me better, just scroll down or contact me.



Trendyol (August 2022 - Present)

Trendyol is the largest e-commerce company in Turkey and one of the leading global platforms all around the World.

Product Manager

  • Building and maintaining large scale product catalog to enable sale of fashion products on global e-commerce platforms other than Trendyol.
  • Enabling internal users to manage and extend partner specific catalog data with custom attributes, certifications, pricing and stock with a user-friendly interface.
  • Increasing delivery speed through well-prepared user stories and refined backlog.
  • Spreading homogeneous information between strategy and delivery teams to ensure utmost transperancy.

Evreka (June 2019 - August 2022)

Evreka is a company building hardware-enabled B2B SaaS products in the waste management sector for SMEs and large enterprises to increase efficiency and foster data-driven decision making.

Product Manager

  • Served among the strategy agents to examine executive decisions before going live
  • Experienced working with both technical and business teams to deliver products from ideation to launch
  • Analyzed market and competitors
  • Prepared go-to-market strategies for market penetration
  • Defined features through wireframes and user stories
  • Launched globally customer-facing products with NPS above 50.
  • Organized online and offline product trainings and customer demonstrations
  • Built & maintained prioritization framework
  • Managed agile transition of the team with remote team members

Evreka (August 2017 - June 2019)

Evreka is a company building hardware-enabled B2B SaaS products in the waste management sector for SMEs and large enterprises to increase efficiency and foster data-driven decision making.

Data Analyst & Customer Success Specialist

  • Helped customers to achieve up to 40% increased operational efficiency with data-driven decision making support.
  • Prepared ROI calculator for one product line.
  • Worked on customer onboarding and support.


M.Sc.  Industrial Engineering

Middle East Technical University

M.Sc. Industrial Engineering - September 2017 - September 2021

Studied semi-superv,sed multi-objective clustering problems. Dropped out during thesis stage due to Covid-19 restrictions.

B.Sc.  Industrial Engineering

Middle East Technical University

B.Sc. Industrial Engineering - September 2013 - September 2017

Graduated as the 3rd of my class with high honors (CGPA 3.81/4.00)

Publication: Canbilen T., Ergen A.B., Karalar İ., Oltulu A., Özüdoğru C.T., Decision support system for the construction of pumped hydroelectric storage systems, IE, METU, Technical Report No: 17-01, January 2017


If you like to know me better, download my resume or share a message, please fill out the section below! I will get back to you soon :)

Fun Facts


Food Oriented

The art of food preparation has a special fascination for me. When I see someone whipping up a cake batter or slicing vegetables, I can't help but be entranced. For me, there's no greater pleasure than watching someone create something beautiful and nourishing out of simple ingredients. There is nothing more hypnotizing.

7:55 AM Alarms, Never

I never set my alarm to include the number 5 or its powers in the minute slot. For example, I'll set my alarm for 7:43 AM, but I would never choose 7:55 AM. And, I am an alarm-freak for any kind of reminder.


Quick Adapter

When I was growing up, we had to move often because of my father's job. We changed places nine times. While it is difficult to constantly adapt to new places and people, the different regions and cultures in my country have given me a unique perspective. I learned to adapt quickly, make new friends, and enjoy exploring new places. Looking back, I am grateful for these experiences and the way they have shaped me as a person.

Done is Better Than Perfect

Whether it's making a difficult decision at work, planning a trip with friends, or pursuing a personal goal, I tend to be the one who takes the lead and gets things done. While it can sometimes be challenging to make tough choices and take risks, I find that being decisive helps me stay focused and achieve my goals more efficiently.


Tomatoes, Pass Please

Despite being a foodie, I have always had a strong aversion to tomatoes, particularly the juicy part with seeds. Something about the texture and flavor just doesn't agree with me. I'll pick them out of my food when I can.